Charities We Support

   heart2_16   Love This House™ is a company with a conscience.

Love This House™ is a company with a strong social conscience – we do want to be successful and make a profit but we also believe that businesses play a key role in the fabric of our society. Love This House™ believes in being a strong leader in our society, helping those who are less fortunate and dealing with issues much bigger than any of us blessed with not having to deal with could ever imagine.

In addition, Love This House™ founder Laurie Usypchuk has pledged to donate blood to Canadian Blood Services once for every year that she is alive. In 2017 she has done so and will continue this challenge for as long as she is able to do so!

Love This House™ is proud to support the following charities:





Help support Love This House™ in our charitable efforts to make the world a better place for those who are less fortunate. Call us today at (416) 949 – 1195 and let’s get started! Or, visit our Contact Us page for other ways to get in touch.